The title of this post isn't the truth. Well, not the entire truth. John and Catie met at the Master's College in LA. They met as seniors in high school and both were pursuing music degrees. Through lots of their endeavors all of the country, and even abroad, they became friends. But, of course, if things had stayed that way, then I wouldn't be writing this...

After three years of friendship, it finally became obvious to them that they should probably start dating. Catie graduated, but stayed close by with her family. And, then John graduated, landed a worship pastor position at his old church in  Lafayette (my church!). So, they whipped that long distance relationship into shape!

I grew up with John and was so excited when he made the decision to come back to Lafayette. Little did I know what a gem of a lady he was planning on bringing out here. Catie is bubbly, friendly, and beautiful inside and out. She makes everyone around her feel at home. When john showed me the rendering of the ring he designed, I couldn't wait to see it in person. And, not only did I get to see it, I got to photograph it! 

These two are perfect for each other. Together they're goofy, fun-loving, and sincere. Much love, you two! Enjoy planning your southern California wedding, and thank you for letting me be a small part of all the hooplah!